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All In One Seo Pack WordPress Plugin Review And Download


All In One Seo Pack Review.

All In One Seo WordPress Plugins is not only one of the most popular WordPress SEO plugins but it is one of the most popular plugins of all time with over 8 million downloads from wordpress.org.

WordPress on it’s own does an excellent job of SEO all by itself but when you add the features of All In One SEO pack and some SEO basics you can really maximize the SEO efficiency of your blog.

If you have pro themes such as Genesis Framework or Thesis these already have advanced SEO features. However, if you are using a free theme you might want to add All In One SEO Pack Plugin to your installation.

Basically what All In One SEO Pack allows you to do is to add your targeted keywords certain areas of your posts to help the visitors better find your posts when searching on the search engines.

Here are the parts of your blog posts that All In One SEO pack helps to optimize to help visitors better find your posts on the search engine

Page Title- This is the most important area of your blog post to optimize. This is how people will first find your website and even decide if they wish to click through to read more. You should have your keywords prominently displayed in your title.

Site Meta Description – This is the description of your post which actually appears on the search engine listings describing your posts. You should make sure you keywords are prominently displayed here as well as having an appealing description to encourages visitors to read more.

All In One SEO Pack gives you 2 ways to optimize your site. You can optimize your blog on a post by post basis or on a site-wide basis.

Site Wide Settings- From the settings area in the all in one seo pack menu you can set your main blog’s meta tags, descriptions and keywords.

From the settings -> all in one seo pack menu, you are given an area where you can set your home title, site metas description and keywords.

Individual Post SEO Settings- You can also change the SEO settings of each of your posts individually. You can choose a keyword optimized title and description which will take precedence over the title you set when you originally wrote the post.

Try to make your keywords as specific as possible. For example I am working on a directory for personal injury attorneys. If I tried to rank for the keyword personal injury attorney it would probably take me months of work to rank for this super competitive keyword. However, trying to rank for “injury lawyer fort lauderdale” is much easier. Actually there is not much competition.

You may download All In One SEO Pack Here.

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