
Monthly Archives: October 2011

3 Ways To Build Your Opt In Email List Fast


Facebook and social media are becoming as popular if not even more popular than email. Some people say many younger people do not even use their email anymore. However, email marketing still does work very well and there is nothing to say that you cannot use both methods. You can even use both methods together.

I have built up an opt in list of over 200,000. It has been one of the main sources of traffic for my business. And the traffic is quality targeted traffic still. If you have not yet started building an email list you are missing out on a huge marketing opportunity. I suggest you start now. You will need an autoresponder system. For some ideas on autoresponders see here. Once you have one come back and learn how to build your list. fast!

1. Give Something Valuable Away For Free To Entice People To Join Your List. You can give away a free report or an ebook. In order to get people to join one of my lists I created an ebook “101+ Ways To Get Backlinks To Your Website.”

In order for people to download the ebook they must join my newsletter. It does not have to be as elaborate as my ebook. Actually it is probably better being a shorter report. “5 Secrets To Whatever” “7 Things They Do Not Want You To Know About ??”

You can write the report in word save it as a PDF file, upload it to your website and when people subscribe to your newsletter send them the link to your free report.

2. Make Your Free Report Viral By Offering Giveaway Rights- It is great to offer people an incentive to join your list by giving away a free report but it is even better to have thousands of others giving away your report as well. You can make your report re-brandable with services such Viral PDF Generator. You could says something like this “join my email list and get the re-branding rights to this report.”

With Viral PDF Generator you can include links which your users can use to change some of the links within the report to their websites, blogs or social media pages. Your users can use your report as an incentive for people to join their lists. When your users subscribers join they will also have the option of subscribing to your list to get the re-distribution rights to your report as well.

With this method the subscribers of your subscribers become your subscribers as well. Plus you get valuable publicity having your report spread throughout the internet still with you name and some of your links which were not re-brandable intact.

3. Co-Registration Leads– You can just buy opt in subscribers. This is actually probably the fastest way to build your list. Now, I am not talking about buying some old tired generic list which could get you spam complaints. True co registration marketing is when you run campaigns on other people’s servers and the subscribers opt in specifically to your offer. With co-registration your opt in pitch runs on other people’s websites and people have the opportunity to choose to receive your information or not by either checking a box or filling out a form.

The key to proper co-registration is that they must be opting in to YOUR offer not a generic offer. Also the checkboxes cannot be pre-checked. The subscriber has to take specific action indicating that they want information specifically from YOU.

Time is also of the essence. Ideally you should have a system where you send your follow up message immediately in real-time to your subscriber. If you wait too long he could forget about his initial request and perhaps lose interest. custom co-registration leads has a service which will set up custom lead campaigns for you and run the ads for their own servers and autoresponders. You do not even have to have your own mailing system. See for more info.

I hope this gets you started on building your list. If you found this post helpful please share it on Facebook. I would love to hear your comments as well.

Much Success,

Matthew Meyer

P.S. All the links in this post and on this site for the most part are affiliate links. I will make a buck or 2 if you join any of the recommended services. However, my first criteria for recommending a service is quality. I only recommend products and services that I believe in.

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