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Unique Article Wizard Review By Somebody Really Using It


If you are serious about building backlinks to your website and article marketing then the Unique Article Wizard service is a must for serious article marketers.

There are many sources of traffic, Google Adwords (If you can afford them and if you can get them to accept your ads) Facebook, pay per view traffic, social media and more. The problem with these sources of traffic is that somebody else can turn off the traffic at any time. Your Google account can get slapped and it is possible to lose your Facebook account or even for Facebook to make changes that affect your business.

However, if you have thousands of keywords targeted highly relevant links from authority sites all pointing to your domain your traffic is not coming from one source. The traffic just keeps coming on autopilot from many different sources.

The problem with generating these types of links is that there is no short cut. It is a time consuming and tedious process.

Article marketing is one way to generate these quality links but if you just submit the same article to dozens of directories or use mass submission tools like Isnare you are just sending thousands of copies of duplicate content out on the web. This does your site very little good in terms of SEO. You need unique, original content on quality sites and blogs all with links back to you.

This is where Unique Article Wizard comes in. Their system does not use traditional “article spinners” like other systems. I have never seen a software spinner that produces proper readable idiomatic English. Unique Article Wizard takes your original article then guides you through each paragraph having YOU rewrite each paragraph of your article until you have 3 unique versions of your article all written by you.

The system then will mix different paragraphs together and titles creating many unique, human written versions of your article. Your articles are then submitted to their 19,000+ network of blogs and article directories. Your articles only go into the correct categories for your niche and each article is unique and human written.

Once you have submitted your article Unique Article Wizard takes over. You can choose to submit your site the entire network of 19,000 sites of just a certain number of sites per day. I have chosen the default which is 50 submissions per day. So once my article is approved (by a human) it will be submitted on autopilot to 50 niche targeted blogs and article directories per day automatically.

This gives you an ever growing network of keyword targeted backlinks all from different sites and ips. Bottom line it is working. After just a short time I am finding my articles showing up in Google searches for some pretty competitive keywords.

This is a game of patience. The ideas is to build links consistently every day back to your site so that eventually you dominate your niche.

You can also embed your videos into your articles and then your videos in turn will be embedded on the Unique Article Wizard network targeted sites. Do you think it would increase your YouTube views and YouTube seo to have your video embedded on thousands of keyword targeted blogs? You bet it will! Plus it makes your posts more attractive for viewers and they will be more likely stick around and click your links.

When your article starts getting submitted you will receive reports daily by email including a list of sites where your article was submitted. Not all are accepted but I find that most sites are accepting my articles. I then go ahead and use Onlywire to bookmark my articles on other people’s sites in the major social media. This is giving me even more deeper backlinks.

There are quite a few marketing tools out there and I would bet that you have bunch on your hard drive that you mean to use but you never get around to. This is a tool you can really use to substantially improve the SEO for your site. I am very impressed with the quality of this service. To learn more about Unique Article Wizard see here. And yes if you subscribe I will get an affiliate commission.

The cost is $67. per month. There is no free trial. If you want it you pay. I like their style. You will not waste your time on a trial of some software which is inferior. They provide a real quality service and ask a fair price up front.

I would love to hear comments from other people who are using Unique Article Wizard. Especially if you have certain strategies that you have employed using this tool.

Thank you,

Matthew Meyer