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4 Reasons Why Blogging is the New Internet Marketing Tool

blogging tips

blogging tips

This guest post is by Isaac Atia of Howitoo.com

Ever consider blogging for your online venture? With today’s relatively low costs to start a website, blogging has emerged to become the preferred system to market a brand. A blog is very much like a magazine and is dynamic and authoritative. Therefore, I’m going to share with you a few exceptionally powerful reasons as to why you should give your blog a boost (if you have one already) or start using blogging as an Internet marketing tool.

Sharing is Easy

Blogging is considered to be the easiest and most effective way of getting your share of the action on the Internet and you don’t even have to meet any requirements in order to get your business going. Imagine a blog as a virtual piece of paper that’s at your disposal to write on. The online market is ready to hear what you have to say because your opinion is meaningful to someone out there.

With ‘a click of a mouse’ you can share ideas, personal experiences, or simply discuss different topics with your readers. All it takes is setting up a platform and dedicating an hour per day at the minimum. If you remain steady with publishing new content and investing time in your blog, you’ll achieve online success and enter the world of online media marketing.

I’ll be honest though; getting your content seen won’t be an easy task. You must continuously work to improve your standing in the social media. I’d recommend adding your top posts to Digg, StumbleUpon, Facebook, and other popular social media tools. There are several other techniques you can explore to increase exposure to your website. Making your articles go viral will increase your web’s traffic and most importantly — readership.

Ability to Establish a Personal Connection

While old fashioned advertising campaigns such as TV and magazine ads still work for some, it seems that online blogging has opened up a superior opportunity to reach our crowd. What good does promotion do if you can’t get through to your prospect on a personal level?

Blogging can in fact be so kind, in the sense that it can promote genuine people like you and I that share real life experiences. Sharing on a personal level makes us able to relate to our loyal readers. Nevertheless, I learned that over time, being able to help others will build credibility almost instantly.

All it really takes is a little bit of commitment on your part. You will find it increasingly stimulating to share your knowledge of a given topic; this will make your readers realize that they can depend on your posts for their own informational needs.

It’s important to keep your content intriguing throughout the article. It’s even more imperative that you deliver your content in the right form and attitude. If your selling is solely based around making a profit, your crowd will become disappointed and most likely not acquire the valuable product or service you attempted to deliver.

Cost is Low and Opportunities are Endless

Blogging can be low cost or not cost anything at all, depending on your level of blogging and budget. Many blogger type websites offer free tools to create your page, in return growing their network. Such services are Google’s Blogger, TypePad, Webnode, and other popular ones. At the beginning stages, it’s usually easier to promote yourself on these types of websites since most already have a large following and strong domain rankings.

However, setting up a self-hosted blog can have many more benefits in the long run when expanding your online operation. Some benefits may be better ad space, design management, SEO tools, security plugins, and more. It will also mean you have full rights to tweaking anything on your site, including possibly selling it in the future with a generous price tag.

Despite the fact that you don’t need to secure a loan in order to create a blog and get to business, you will have to invest something significant on your part…time.

While time is a restrictive variable when it comes to blogging, simply dedicating 1-3  hours per day will show results that speak for themselves. Coupled with a few changes here and there, you’ll soon notice that time is all you need in order to successfully promote your brand, generate traffic to your blog, and in turn: increase your revenue. Some of the most successful bloggers today started with writing just a few posts per week and slowly marched uphill…the sky is the limit!

Think of the Significant Exposure

Blogging creates buzz and a healthy sense of acquaintance. Market your blog to your friends, family, coworkers, and other bloggers. Even if you start with a small number of visitors, your brand can spread quickly as you’re basically using word of mouth advertising.

For the more established brands, the importance and level of exposure is massive. Last week I stumbled upon a personal blog of a marketing manager for Ford (the carmaker) and immediately noticed the benefits of marketing through blogging. Not only did this person convince the readers why Ford’s product was a better choice, he convinced them that it’s the best choice!

Imagine promoting a product or a service on your blog to the point where your readers only trust your brand and believe that you’ve got the next best thing going on.

Accept my advice and don’t wait any longer. Take advantage of these tips and embark upon the significant potential of blogging. Explore it for yourself. Remember — blogging can be your best friend as a marketing device by giving your online business a brand new look, feel, and most importantly…a future.

Isaac Atia writes about blogging tips, SEO advice, and other closely related topics. The goal of his blog is to help other bloggers improve their overall blogging knowledge. You can subscribe to his blog for more posts.

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