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Five Lightning Quick Ways to Jump Ahead of Your Competitors


If you are starting a new business or if you already have a business and you want to jump ahead of your competitors fairly quickly I will discuss a quick start formula that I use to jump starting my websites to get on the fast track to success.

The techniques that I will be discussing will involve your websites optimization, the way you find high quality back links, and how to get in the media!

Step 1: Find 5 of your biggest competitors

The first step to competing in the market that you’re targeting is to find your biggest competitors so that you can leverage the techniques that they are using to drive traffic to their websites for your website. You can find these competitors by doing Google searches and analyzing different websites to see if they are a direct competitor of yours.

You can then analyze your competitors to see how much search engine traffic they get by using services like SEMRush or another service of your preference. There is no point in reinventing the wheel when your competitors have already put together a proven model to achieving success.

Step 2: What are they doing?

The second step to taking over your competitors is to check and see what they are posting on their website to get an idea of how big your competitor’s website is. Does your competitor write a lot of content for its members? Does your competitor have social media integrated on their website? If they don’t you can jump ahead of them and add social media to your website         !

You’re going to want to analyze your competitor’s websites to see what their strengths and weaknesses are to get an idea of how much work you going have to put in to compete with the competitors. Analyzing your competitors will also give you an opportunity to add unique and proprietary content or products that make your website better.

I always hear people complain that there are too many competitors in a market but the reality of it means that there must be a lot of money being made if there are many businesses doing similar things. If you start a new business with you being the only one with the business model you are using and no one has anything similar then chances are you will not survive.

There are no new ideas, Pioneers get slaughtered; settlers prosper.

Step 3: Leverage your competitor’s success

The third step to competing with your competitors is to look at their back links to see who is linking to them to see if you can get back links from the same sources. This is the process of leveraging your competitors back links for your own website.

What you can do once you have the list of back links that your competitors have is go through the list and pick out the places where you can build back links to. Once you have your competitors list of back links you can then go out and grab the same back links that they have. Again there is no point in re-inventing the wheel. Use what is already working. You can use services like SEO Moz or Majestic SEO to check your competitors back links.

Step 4: Post content and products your users want and love

The fourth step to taking over your competitors is to see what their most popular content and products are. If you can find out what your audience likes to read or buy that will be the very valuable to you for the long term. You should already know what your audience is looking for but if you don’t you need to find out quick!

If you provide content and products that your audience loves then you will be in business for a very long time. If you’re an informational based website you can look at all up different type of competitors and find useful ideas to add to your website. If you have a product based website like an e-commerce site then you can see what kind of products your competitors are selling and sell the same products that they are selling and add more once you have built yourself up so that you grow bigger than your competitors.

Step 5: Press releases that attract media attention

If you want to demolish your competitors the fifth step you can take is to submit press releases to draw more attention to your website and business. There are many press release websites that you can use but the best one in my opinion is PR Newswire.

This guest post was written by Matthew Green. To read more about him or to check out his blog please visit Evergreen Internet Marketers.