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5 Tips for Mastering PPC Advertising


Pay-per-click advertising – called PPC advertising in today’s marketing world – can be a highly effective and profitable tool for promoting your website. If used properly, PPC advertising can generate instant traffic, and can also help you target your demographics.

There are, however, right ways and wrong ways to manage your PPC campaign. If what you’re doing isn’t working, then your PPC account can end up costing you more than it’s worth. Here are five ways to get the most bang for your buck from your PPC advertising campaign.

1) Use an Affiliate Network

Before you decide on using PPC for your advertising, you’ll need to determine whether or not it’s a natural fit for a PPC campaign. In Internet advertising, it’s a fact that some products work more effectively with PPC advertising than others. For example, PPC works great with downloadable products, because buyers have the immediate gratification of being able to receive their purchases instantly.

In order to help you get started on your PPC campaign, it helps if you hire a reputable affiliate network to help you identify if your product is right for PPC advertising. An affiliate network can manage the distribution, customer service and other support services for your product and will also manage the commission payments.

2) Use Your Own Domain Name

Statistics show that it’s far more effective to have your own domain name, which you can then use when you redirect visitors to the product sales page. In fact, search engines such as Google and Bing tend to prefer that their advertisers use their own domain name when linking via PPC to a product page.

3) Select the Most Effective Keywords

Choosing the best, most effective keywords is absolutely pivotal to the success of your advertising campaign. Search engines work with your keywords by mapping them directly to the PPC ad. The best keywords you can use are those that are most relevant to your product’s website.

4) Create a PPC Ad that Sells

A PPC ad is short and to the point, so you’ve got to give it a punch. You can think of formatting it with a headline, a two-line description, and then the necessary URLs and links to your website. Since you’ve only got a few words to work with, a PPC ad should essentially contain a call to action – and don’t forget to include those all-important keywords.

5) Maximize Your Landing Page

Once you’ve gotten your visitor to click through your PPC ad, you’ve won half the battle. It’s all too easy, however, to forget about the second part of your campaign: the landing page.

Make sure to create a profit-driven landing page that sells the product. You need to capture the visitor’s eye within the first 10 seconds, so built a page that’s visually effective, catches the eye and captures the imagination. Select attention-getting font sizes, text colors and graphics, and then combine them with attractive and appropriate mixed media such as videos and photos. It’s also crucial that you have good copy on your landing page, so make sure that you bring in an experienced copy writer.

By following these guidelines and coming up with ways to tweak the effectiveness of your ads, you’ll find that a PPC campaign can generate maximum traffic – and potentially, maximum profits – to your website.

Charles Dearing is an PPC expert with extensive experience in the webhosting industry. He enjoys sharing information on various marketing websites. is a search engine that allows you to discover the webhosting servers that domains reside on.

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